Saturday, October 31, 2009

Better Late Than Never

Greetings, and welcome to Isaac's blog!

We know that we're a bit, um, late in starting it. But we figure that Isaac was early--and his arrival required surgery--and so it balances out. Plus, we can catch everyone up in relatively short order:
First, Erin was pregnant. She was pregnant for a long time.

Then, Isaac was born on August 26, 2009, at Kaiser Sunnyside Hospital. He was 9 pounds, 2 ounces. He looked like an old man. Here is a picture of his first bath.

Here are Erin and Isaac in the hospital:

Eventually, we went home. But about week later, Isaac turned yellow, and we had to go back for "medical treatment." Basically, it amounted to a baby-sized tanning bed. Cool, huh?

Then we went home again. And since then, Isaac has learned so much. He can smile, kick his legs, move his arms, kick his legs and move his arms, and say "ooooooh." We like him a lot. And so does Rudy.
Isaac absolutely loves to take baths.

Please stay tuned for more pictures and updates!

1 comment:

  1. I just love your little chickadee! He is totally precious! This blog is such a wonderful way to share your adventures. Thanks!

